FAQ & Support

For anything not covered by the FAQ, please email sbensu+gatz@gmail.com


Phone number

Currently, we only use your phone number to authenticate you via SMS.

We will never share your phone number with other users.

In the future, we might implement Search for contacts, where we show you which of your phone contacts are also Gatz users. If so, this will be an opt-in feature.

Edit or delete comments

You can edit or delete your own comment. Long press on the message to get the action menu. Tap on More to get the Edit and Delete options.

You can edit as many times as you want.

If you delete a comment, that is irreversible. Users that open the conversation after you have deleted the comment will not be able to see it.

Delete account

You can delete your account under Settings, at the bottom, in the Danger section.

Report offensive content

If you see content that is offensive to you, you can report it to the service. Long press on the post or comment to get the action menu. Under More, you will find Report.

We will look at reported content to see if it warrants a ban from the service.

Block users

If you are being harassed by one of the other users in the platform, you can block them by visiting their profile.

Click on their avatar to see their profile. At the bottom of the screen, you will see Block user.

Once you block them, they will not be able to see your content and you will not be able to see theirs.